Saturday, August 30, 2008

Full time career or freedom for ministry?

John Piper on Biblical womanhood says his prayer for women :

  • That you not assume that secular employment is a greater challenge or a better use
    of your life than the countless opportunities of service and witness in the home, the
    neighborhood, the community, the church, and the world; that you not only pose the
    question: career or full-time homemaker?, but that you ask just as seriously: full-time
    career or freedom for ministry? That you ask: Which would be greater for the Kingdom to
    work for someone who tells you what to do to make his or her business prosper, or to
    be God’s free agent dreaming your own dream about how your time and your home and
    your creativity could make God’s business prosper? And that in all this you make your
    choices not on the basis of secular trends or upward lifestyle expectations, but on the
    basis of what will strengthen the faith of the family and advance the cause of Christ.

  • That you develop a wartime mentality and lifestyle; that you never forget that life
    is short, that billions of people hang in the balance of heaven and hell every day, that the
    love of money is spiritual suicide, that the goals of upward mobility (nicer clothes, cars,houses, vacations, food, hobbies) are a poor and dangerous substitute for the goals of living for Christ with all your might and maximizing your joy in ministry to people’s

John Piper had much more challenges than those two as far as defining Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. You can go here to know more. It's a bit much so Pages 45-47 are a summary of John Piper's challenges.

Please continue to pray for the christians in India as they are being persecuted for their faith in great numbers this past few week. Please pray for God to remind them of his sovereignty in such spiritual distress. May they know that Jesus says "blessed are those who persecute you in my name." May they rejoice in his name, and dance for joy. I cannot understand what they are going through, but I do know that they are literally taking up their cross, which is what God asks for those who desire to follow Him. for more information, here is a video from a brother in India.


Lamech said...

Both Samuel and Joshua leave and warn the nation with three major obligations to the God of Israel:
1) Fear God
2) Serve Him
3) Thank Him for what He has done.

Freedom from the curse = freedom for ministry.

Go out and be a disciple Kris!

Josh Tengan said...

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you're a huge encouragement in my life and I'm blessed to be able call you a friend and a sister in Christ. Observing your life alone has really spurred me on to love and good deeds, just wanted to encourage you with some fruit, for you to keep on running that race, steady and strong, and don't grow weary in doing good for in due time you'll reap a harvest of righteousness! even if we don't get see it here on earth, we'll be able to see it in heaven, 'cause God's word does not return void.

adrienne said...

I just happened to stumble upon this, but it is encouraging to hear of other's with a passion for not the things of this world, but for Christ. As a homeschooling mom of 6, definitely stay out of the work force as much as possible! Even my husband recently quit his manager job so he would have time for studying and ministry. He couldn't stand the amount of time he was investing in a business he cared nothing for!! So, we struggle to make ends meet but we have a Heavenly Father who gives all good things freely! It is TRUE freedom!!!

Adrienne said...
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