Sign the petition to free our persecuted brother in China!
On a side note, let me share something Richard Wurmbrand shared with me in his book during his time in prison being persecuted for his faithfulness to Jesus:
"Sometimes I was filled with joy that i felt I would burst if I did not give vent to it. I remembered the words of Jesus 'Blessed are you when men come to hate you, when they exclude you from their company and reproach you and cast out your name as evil on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy.' I told myself 'I've carried out only half this command. I've rejoiced, but that is not enough.'
When the guard next peered through the spy hole, he saw me springing about my cell. His orders must have been to distract anyone who showed signs of breakdown, for he padded off and returned with some food from the staff room: a hunk of bread, some cheese and sugar. As I took them, i remembered the conclusion to the verse in St. Luke: 'Rejoice in that day and leap for joy- for behold your reward is great." It was a very large piece of bread: more than a week's ration.
Friends to whom I spoke later of dancing in prison asked, 'What for? What use was it?' It was not something useful. It was a manifestation of joy like the dance of David, a holy sacrifice offered before the altar of the Lord. I did not mind if my captors thought me mad, for I had discovered a beauty in Christ which I had not known before."
Let us labor in prayer for brother bike and even the unnamed ones who are persecuted... for we are their brothers and sisters.
September 10, 2008 UPDATE
Pastor Bike is FREE! On Friday, August 29, prominent Chinese house church leader Zhang Mingxuan, affectionately known as "Pastor Bike," his wife and a co-worker were released from Chinese custody. Pastor Bike was arrested along with his wife and co-worker August 6, two days before the Olympic Games began in Beijing. An outspoken evangelist, Pastor Bike has travelled on his bike to many places in China, handing out Christian literature and Bibles and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Instead of being held at a prison or a detention center Pastor Bike and his wife, Xie Fenglan, and their co-worker were taken to resort hotels on a "forced vacation" designed to ensure that they couldn’t talk to any foreign media. Pastor Bike was scheduled to do an interview with the BBC the day of his arrest.All three believers are in good health and spirits and praising God for their release, according to our co-laborers at China Aid Association. The detainees said during their confinement they had opportunities to witness to guards and even high-ranking government officials staying at the hotels where they were held.
On August 26, The Voice of the Martyrs and China Aid Association launched an international online petition drive advocating for Pastor Bike, his wife and co-worker to be released. On September 4, China Aid Association delivered the petition — which had more than 57,000 names printed on 619 pages — addressed to Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Washington, D.C. Included was a letter thanking the Chinese government for releasing these house-church Christians.We are thankful to you and the thousands of others who logged on and signed the petition. Christians in free nations often wonder if we can really make a practical difference for Christians in persecuted countries. Pastor Bike’s release shows that WE CAN!Continue to pray for Pastor Bike, his wife and their co-worker and for other believers in China.
1 comment:
Sincere prayer comes from the lips of the righteous man whos prayer is effective. A life lived for the King of Creation is a blessed life. Beautiful blog Kristie. All for His Glory!
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