Thursday, October 2, 2008

David Livingstone

David Livingstone got on his knees one day and prayed this prayer

“Send me anywhere, only go with me.
Lay any burden on me, only sustain me.
Sever any ties but the ties that bind me to your service and to your heart
Thru it all the words of God came to me
‘Lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the age’”

May that be our prayer.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

For the Grace of God Orphans

'While I am a great advocate of looking to the past, I would warn anybody against living in the past. The only justification for looking to the past is that we may learn great lessons from it and apply them.' Arguing that, 'the gospel is literally the only hope for the world today', he showed how the gospel always makes a powerful effect upon the world after there has first been a distinct quickening in the life of the church. The modern church was bypassing her primary need. She was adopting 'methods of big business and advertising' instead of praying for a visitation of God. As the Belfast press reported his words: 'The Church has never tried so hard to deal with the situation as she has tried in this century. We have never had so many organizations, we have never worked so hard, but we are not touching the situation.' –D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Fight of Faith, Iain Murray, p. 371.